Tuesday, December 21, 2010

HW 25 - Response to Sicko

     In this documentary you will look at how the United States health care
is ridiculously expensive when we are supposed to have free universal health
care like in the U.K. France and in Canada. I will be traveling to Canada,
France, and the U.K. to see how free health care works and peoples
experiences with free health care. I interview many doctors in Canada, U.K.
and France and asked them questions about patient’s visits, billings from
the hospital, and salaries of the doctors.  In my movie you get to see how
horrifying our health care plan is and what it should look like, people with
serious conditions are being denied health care because they either had a
preexisting condition that was not serious, and they are dyeing because of


The more people that doctors deny for health care the more money they get.

“ My name is Linda Peeno. I am here primarily today to make a public
confession: In the Spring of 1987, as a physician, I denied a man a
necessary operation that would of saved his life, and thus caused his death.
No person, and no group has held me accountable for this, because in fact,
what I did was I saved a company a half a million dollars for this.”


When I saw this movie I honestly wanted to move to U.K. or France. I feel
that it is atrocious to have the health care that we have. If they don’t
have to pay why should we? People who simply had a yeast infection are being
dropped because it’s a preexisting condition. The list that was shown of
preexisting conditions honestly scared me. What if I’m older and I want to
apply for a health insurance company? Do I now have to lie about how I’m
feeling or lie about illness I had in the past that could kill me later
because my doctor didn’t know? A doctor in the U.K said if someone comes in
here sick why shouldn’t we help them, that’s are jobs. When I heard this it
made me question the doctors that I have seen, they aren’t in it to help me
they are in it to make money.

Monday, December 20, 2010

HW 24 - Illness & Dying Book, Part 3

The book i am reading is tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom and it was published 1997.

 I wrote this book on my favorite professer Morrie schwartz so i can open your eyes on a story of lifes greatest lesson. Morrie changed and looked at life differently when he heard he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He first thought that the world would stop, but found out that it won't. He took life like everyday was his last. He didn't like the normal way of doing things so he did it the "Morrie" way.

"i want someone to hear my story. will you?" p. 63
When everyone passes away majority of them feel that they need to pass something down. I guess to Morrie that what he needs to pass on is his greatest lesson.

"Mitch i don't allow myself anymore self-pity than that. a little each morning, a few tears and thats all."p.57
It's amazing how he just goes on with his day knowing that he's just dieing every second. I would not be able to just go on like that, i think i would be crying every second not just a few tears in the morning. 

 "you have to find what's good and true and beautiful in your life as it is now, looking back makes you competitive. And, age is not a competitive issue."p.120
This makes a lot of sense. If you keep looking at the "great times" that you have had in the past then nothing could ever really compare to that. By looking at all the great things that you have now your making yourself happy and your not living in the past that you could never get back too.

Friday, December 17, 2010

HW 23 - Illness & Dying Book, Part 2

The book i am reading is tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom and it was published 1997.
 I wrote this book on my favorite professer Morrie schwartz so i can open your eyes on a story of lifes greatest lesson. Morrie changed and looked at life differently when he heard he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He first thought that the world would stop, but found out that it won't. He took life like everyday was his last. He didn't like the normal way of doing things so he did it the "Morrie" way.
" its horrible if you watch my body slowly wilt away to nothing. But it's also wonderful because of all the time I get to say good-bye." p.57
This quote made me look at death and dying in a whole new way. It personally made me question what i would want later in life. To either go and go quickly but not be able to say my good-byes, or die slowly and painfully and say my peace before i die.

 " the culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it." p.42
This quote made me think back to class.

Monday, December 13, 2010

HW 22 - Illness & Dying Book Part 1

The book i am reading is tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom and it was published 1997.

 I wrote this book on my favorite professer Morrie schwartz so i can open your eyes on a story of lifes greatest lesson. Morrie changed and looked at life differently when he heard he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He first thought that the world would stop, but found out that it won't. He took life like everyday was his last. He didn't like the normal way of doing things so he did it the "Morrie" way.

p.23 Charlotte had a million thoughts running through her mind: How much time do we have left? How will we manage? How will we pay bills?
This seems like the normal questions that everyone seems to ask themselves.
p. 23 He went for his regular swim at the YMCA, but found he could no longer undress himself.
Thats deppressing to feel the before and after.
P. 24 ALS is like a lit candle: your nerves and leaves your body a pile of wax
thats a great way to put it

While reading this book it deffinetly changed my perspective. if i knew that i was dyeing i would definitely have a living funeral. it makes complete sense. I cant connect to the book because i havent had the chance to say goodbye to my loved ones who passed when they were alive.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

HW 21 - Expert #1

Beth Bernett Notes:
I cant compare to what Beth Bernett had to go through with her husband. My grandmother also pushed us away and had to much dignity to admit anything. She wasn't able to lay down at a certain period of time and her feet as well would get swollen. The doctors in the hospital she was in were all helping and caring not only for my grandmother but for us as well. 

·      No insurance
·      Took 11 months to get health insurance
·      Ounce got on they were wonderful
·      Feet swollen
·      Vomiting
·      Honeymoon from death
·      Never mentioned dying in all 9 months
·      Diaper last two days
·      Could hold up his head
·      Kept asking for water, he would splash himself
·      Stillness
·      Pushed everything away

When i heard Erics story it made me want to in-brace life and everything that i have, and not take for granited the people around me. It also opened my mind more in the fact that if i am sick that i cant just not admit it to myself i have to take the next step and see a doctor and what i can do to get better.
Some questions i have for Beth is what was going in her mind as she was taking care of him, and how did she feel the moment she say him dead? I would also like to know what does she do around the anniversary of their marriage, Erics birthday, and the anniversary of his death? 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

HW 19 - Family Perspectives on Illness & Dying

Q:What are your thoughts about illness and dying?
A: I try to avoid it as long as i can. I take vitamin supplements, and try to eat right, and i can be as active as long as i can so i can live as long as i can.
Q: When did you have to deal with death for the first time?
A: when my grandmother passed away. I was 12 years old. I felt my only true link to my families passed was gone and she was my only grandparent alive. After she passed i realized all the questions i would of loved to of asked her, i couldn't. You never realize what you have in a person until they are gone.
Q: what did you mother tell and teach you about illness, and dying?
A: It is enviable never fear it, live your life to the fullest cause you'll never know when its going to come.

Q: Have you ever put yourself purposely in a life or death situation
A: Yes, I volunteered for a special operation when I was in the united states navy submarine force. we were never told what it was. We knew it could be fatal when we were all required to make out our wills before we pulled out. We almost did die. When we were attacked for spying in russia.
Q: What did that experience teach you?
A: Life is way to precious and the future to ever do something that stupid again.
Q: If you could go back and rethink your decision on volunteering would you do it?
A: Yes to the submarines, yes on special operations, no on volunteered special operations.  Drowning 800 feet under the water is no way to die.

Q: What are your thoughts about illness and dying?
A: I think it sucks, people shouldn't die young, they should die very very old, and have a full-filling life.
Q: When did you have to deal with death for the first time?
A: When I was 6. My grandfather passed away, it was horrible, very devastating, it sucked donkey balls.
Q: You were six how did you deal with it?
A: I was very sad I felt that a part of me died. I was very close to him. I would dream a lot about him after

Q: What did your mother tell you teach and about illness and dying?
A: Nothing never said anything bout it. She was scared herself so thats why she didn't say thing.
Q:who taught u about illness and dying?
A: My grandfathers death, i taught myself bout it.
Q: How do u feel when loved ones get ill?
A: I get scared because i feel they are going to die. It brings me back to when I was a child

Sunday, November 28, 2010

HW 18 - Health & Illness & Feasting

For this years thanksgiving for me it was a body centered and anti body practices of the American culture. I woke up to the smell of a turkey in the oven and my mother telling me that i need to get up before my grandparents arrive. i made my bed and cleaned up the chinchilla poop that always seems to get on my floor. I took a shower and got dressed and greeted my grandparents. This is a anti body experience because i had to ignore my body in the fact that im tired and just wanted to relax and watch the thanksgiving parade like i would normally do. I relaxed in my room as the food was being cooked and watched dexter and the office until dinner was ready. this was a body centered experience because i did what my body wanted to do and not what my mother or what anyone else wanted me to do.

The food was one of the major events and one of the biggest focuses that happened that day. But not all of it was just focused on food, it was also family. I tried to focus more on family. thanksgiving was a major holiday in out family. before my grandmother from my dads side passed away she would ALWAYS come over and spend thanksgiving before i was even born. i miss her dearly and her dieing made me realize to enjoy the holidays with your family as much as you can before they are gone. Everyone was feeling just fine. although both of my grandparents have parka-sins. But on sunday my dad wasn't feeling well and it seemed like he had a small case of vertigo.

After we feasted my dad and mom cleaned up and we packed up our things and dropped off my grandparents and headed upstate...like usually. Our let overs never lasted more then a day. Keep in mind we got a 25 pound turkey. We all had our own favorite side. Mines was the Sweet  patatos, it tasted like candy. My brothers was the stuffing and my parents loved the green bean casserole. Ever year we argue with how much bread we buy for the stuffing and that we are always going to buy a to big turkey that it wont fit in the oven, but thats all just part of the traditions.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

HW 17 - First Thoughts on the Illness & Dying Unit

I had to deal with death for the first time when i was 6 years old. My childhood dog passed away. that was a very very hard time for me. I use to live upstate in Unidilla and she was a beautiful white german shepherd. her name was Cassey. Almost everything i did when i was little involved her.  When we put her down i didn't full understand everything which made it even harder in me. till this day i remember it all. When we moved down to the city and when i was in 6th grade was the second time i had to deal with another major loss in my family that was when my grandmother passed away. i was very very close to her and i  felt robbed of spending more time with her, because at that time we haven't seen her in while, and while me and my  mother walked outside of our old apartment was when i got a call on my cell phone from my grandmothers neighbor josephine saying she had collapsed and paramedics have been trying to revive her for 7 mins already and they finally got a pulse. Once i heard it took 7 mins i knew that there was no turning back for her. i knew she had brain damage regardless if she was breathing on her own or not. Even know just writing it makes me wanna cry she was a very important person in my life and i wish she was still here.

When i was younger my parents always taught me that when we get old we all die, and if we are lucky enough and keep ourselves in good condition we will not get sick to the point were it can kill us.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Homework #12

Thesis: An individual living in our culture must recognize and respond to the nightmarish industrial atrocities at the root of dominant social practices in order to live a morally satisfactory life. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Homework #11

For this food experiment i became a vegetarian for 3 days  I kept a food diary documenting every meal and how i felt after every meal.

Wednesday October 27, day one of new diet.
3 hard boiled eggs, with a cup of mixed fruit, and a small drink of orange juice,
after i had this meal i felt full and satisfied. I was ready to start me day.
A mixed salad with blue cheese dressing,
It was very delicious but not filling as i would normally be by eating some meat or carbs.
wholewheat pasta with a marinara sauce, and a side of chocolate milk
I had a great meal. i was starving after lunch and this hit the spot. very very filling.

Thursday October 28, day two of new diet.
Oatmeal with a glass of milk
I felt very energized. My stomach was very full, i could of eatin' a less amount.
One of my favorite things to eat. I had tuna, and salmon with a spicy mayo. 
Dinner: veggie burger with pepper jack cheese, and tater tots.
I HATE VEGGIE BURGERS!!! But the cheese made it better.

What i've learned so far is the becoming a vegetarian wasn't so hard. Grant it it was only for 3 days and on friday almost every meal i had had meat in it but i thought it would be harder for me. I leaned that it is good for around three days a week you should have this kind of diet. I think you should because its nice to eat healthy and then feel healthy. Also thats the kind of action that if every person did in this world would make the food system a lot better.
The movie that we watched in class motivated me a lot to change my diet. I now do not eat ANY GROUND BEEF what so ever. After hearing the story about kevins law it completely turned me away from ground beef.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Homework #7

Chapter 1
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

 Food has to go through a whole process before it reaches the shelves of the supermarket, and we don't even know what that process is. The four different types of food chains have many pros and cons. Corn is the main ingredient in almost everything that we use and eat today.

As i was reading something really caught my attention. " Corn is in places you would never think to look. It's in the wax that coats the other vegetables in the produce section. It goes into the coating that makes the cover of a magazine shine."(page12) This means that corn is used for anything and everything that we use. I never knew that corn was such and important ingredient to America, and has such a important role in our everyday life and we don't even know it. Not only is corn used for food ingredients but also the books we hold its even apart of the building in the supermarket. 45,000 items that contain corn in the supermarket.

One question that came to mind as i was reading was, How would we be if we never had corn? What would happen if we ever ran out of corn?

Chapter 2
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

There are many different varieties of corn. The two Foods that have taken over the world is Soybean and corn, but corn beats the soybean by a landslide. Scientist have invented Genetically modified corn seeds to make what is called "Hybrid Corn" which allows farmers to plant the seeds closer so more corn can grow and have thicker stalks, including stronger roots.

"They believe that GMOs are a reckless experiment with the natural order of things" This proves that Genetically modified foods are unhealthy and unethical.  Its just not natural to be messing around with the composition to get more income.

If some farmers are highly against GMOs then what is the worst that could go wrong? How do we know if our food is being Genetically modified?

Chapter 3
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

"Besides Naylor has the equipment  to plant corn and soybeans he doesn't have the equipment to grow that lettuce or broccoli or anything else." This obviously shows that the different things that you grow acquire certain machinery and materials. This struck my attention because i thought that all tools could be universal in the fact that they all do the same thing.

Chapter 4
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

 The treatment of the corn that goes from the farm to the factory mill. The conditions is that corn being mistreated. The corn is all over the place, its on the floor in the mud, on the workers boots and between the cracks of the tires that are used to transport the corn out of the farm. "Salvador's reaction, like mine, came about because we were looking at corn the old-fashioned way, as a food. But the businesses that run the grain elevators and the industrial food chain do not look at corn as food." This struck me oddly because if they only view corn as a business then if they are mistreating it by letting it get all over the place and not caring, then how else are they mistreating the corn? Personally i think that if i was working on a corn farm i would still view the corn as a food not just a business. I don't like to waste food at all because i view it very sinful. I view it sinful because i was always brought up knowing that there were other people out in the world who would be very lucky to have at-least one good meal a day. I could never mistreat food

Chapter 6
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

As i was reading this chapter every time i would open my fridge all i see now is corn. As i open the food cabinets all i see is corn too. When they said corn is made out of everything they weren't kidding. Even some water (specifically) steep water has corn in it. This made me think how would food taste if there was no corn. As i read this ODYR it makes me feel like since we are so dependent on corn that we cant live without it. Its in the meat, sugar, flower, oil, alcoholic beverages, even chewing gum.
"Here nine hundred food scientist spend their days designing the future of food." This makes me think that people should try and get America off of corn so we are not so dependent on it. I believe that we can do it.
How would food taste with out corn?

Chapter 7
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

In chapter 7 as i was reading i was very shocked to find out about the obesity rate. For the fact that fast food places like McDonald's is fast and cheap that's what kids today gravitate to. But all thought it is cheap its high calorie, and fatty, and also processed. Since 1960 the calories of a McDonald's french fries had risen 300 in 2009, making it 500 calories.
"Three of every five Americans are overweight; one of every five is obese." This means that four out of every five Americans are very unhealthy. I knew that America was the most obese country in the world but i did not know that the numbers were this shocking. When i read these statistics it made me wanna hit the gym. I don't understand how people could let themselves become so obese and so unhealthy. This shows how lazy Americans can be.
A question that i would really like to know is What can we do in order to the obesity rate back down to 5.8% which was in 1971-1974?

Chapter 8
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

When i was reading about how we eat based on who we were raised by was the same idea and theory that i had. I also said that it based on your environment. He also compares our eating habits to a rat. Like us rats are also omnivores. But unlike us they cant teach their offspring. So if a adult rat knows what is poison to them the young may not know.
"Certain cells may be dedicated to detecting  one taste but found all over the tongue, or certain areas may just be more sensitive to particular flavors". This shows that our tongue has many different sections and that it doesn't react all the same way.
What are all the parts and different sections of our tongue?

Chapter 9
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

While reading i saw something that struck my attention. It also discussing how the animals we eat are basically only feed corn and large amounts of it. It also discussed how the food and drinks we consume are also mostly corn. Then it talked about how obesity rate went up since 1971-1974. This makes me think and assume that the obesity rate went up because of the quantity of corn that is in our produce and everything that we eat.
"Hamburger: corn fed to a cow = 2 pounds corn
6 nuggets : corn fed to a chicken = 1/2 pound
High fructose corn syrup in 3 drinks = 1 pound
Subtotal: 3 1/2 pounds of corn"
This caught my attention because i wonder what the percentage of corn we actually eat.

Chapter 18
Being out in the forest and having us gather and hunt our own food is harder but at least i know what I'm getting. Nothing is being processed. Going in to woods and living off of the life around me would be fun but yet it would be scary. There are many mushrooms and berries that may or may not be poisonous.

"only around 100 of the nearly 10,000 different kinds of mushrooms - just 1% are safe to eat." This shows that there are more poisonous mushrooms then there are edible.

How do we identify the poisonous plants/fungi  from the edible plants/fungi? Do other animals have the same reactions to the same mushrooms as us? If so how do they know which ones to eat and not to eat ?

Chapter 20
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

Going hunting for wild boar will be nerve-racking, and scary. They split up into groups and make a plan about tracking down the boars. Michael was not able to kill the boar because he didn't get to see one. After they took a break and ate they found a group of boars eating. But michael didn't kill anything that day. The next day michael killed his first boar.

"hunting is exciting. it embarrasses me to write that, but its true." I don't understand why Michael Pollen would be embarrassed. I could kind of relate to him because my family are hunters (except me). I am not embarrassed. Hunting was one of the first things that people and other animals did before anything happened.

What was the significance of hunting and preparing the meal all by himself?

Chapter 21
In this chapter Michael goes mushroom hunting.  They call it Hunting instead of harvesting because when they are growing you have to basically go on a scavenger hunt in order to find them. Well the ones that aren't poisonous. Michael only found a few mushrooms but Angelo found many more. Like other fruit mushrooms grow all at different times. Todays scientist find it very hard to study about fungi.

"Mushrooms each have their seasons" To me this shocks me because i didnt know that different mushrooms grow at a specific time in the year.  To me i thought that fungi grows yearly.

How do people know either a mushrooms is poisonous  or not?
How do people have mushrooms sold and grown all year long?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Homework #4

My eating habits are very very different from my grandparents. My grandparents are very traditional Cuban people. They love to eat the "classic" Cuban meals like pork with rice and beans, plantains, and tostones. When my grandparents cook they have the obligation to make sure that every person is completely full to the point where they cant even take another bite. From time to time they do go out for fast food, but i've never seen them go to a restaurant. My other grandmother would have the the "classic" Italian meals where you would have a 3 course dinner. First you would have the Italian appetizers which felt like a meal to its self, you would have the Italian dry sausage with dried tomatoes, many different cheeses and bread. After that you have the main course, then would come the dessert which has all of the Italian pastries.  To leave any food on your plate would be considered an insult to them, and burping after you ate would be a complement. My grandmother never really liked going out for fast food, but she did like to go to restaurants.

My parents eating habits are similar but not the same as mines. If i had to put it in a way they would be a mixture of both my eating habits and my grandparents. They don't eat out as much as i do but they eat out more then my grandparents do. Unlike my grandparents they aren't so tied down to one ethnic meal. When my mother cooks she would make many many different things. Like Pasta one night then matzo ball soup the other. She cooks based on what we are in the mood for may it be sushi or anything else different.  It is very multicultural meals. We also cook on what is easy for that time.

My eating habits are "normal". Which involves fast food, multicultural, and what ever i want at that time. When i was little my eating habits were horrible i would hate to eat and i would only have mac n cheese, or pizza, literally thats all i would eat. As i grew up my eating habits got a lot better. I use to be a picky picky eater and now i like almost all meals. I now have a salad with every mean and have the basic food groups that i need to complete a meal. I love to eat at restaurants more then anything.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Homework #3

When i went to McDonalds, I observed many different things. First i was looking at the type of people that were there, i saw some elderly people, and teenage kids. They seemed to enjoy their food which looked very greasy. I also noticed that when i was at McDonalds they had a display of all the kids toys that you would get for a happy meal, and next to the childrens display of toys was a A.T.M machine. I kind of found it funny because it shows how serious McDonalds is about having their costumers stay in their restaurant, and also have it more convenient for the costumers. The McDonalds that i went to was very clean, the tables were sprayed with a cleaner but were wiped down with what to seem like a semi-dirty table cloth. It seemed to me that every time someone finished their meal a worker would come by sweep around the floor and clean the table. I was quite surprised on how persistent they were on making sure everything was neat and tidy. Near the cashers was a self serving table that held, ketchup,straws,salt,and pepper. When i saw this the first thing that came to mind was making things easier for the costumers, but i was thinking bout it more and i also thought that maybe they had it because the cashers don't want to be bothered for extra straws or ketchup. When i went to other Mcdonalds i would ask for those exact same things and i would get attitude. Maybe the McDonalds i went to wasn't only trying to make it easy for the costumers but also making it easy for the employees as well. I also notice that the pricing in some of the foods was very high for the quantity and quality that they were getting it for. 

When I went to the green market the setting and Ora was completely different. First there was A LOT more people at the green market then at McDonalds, but i did notice that the age group was different. I did not see any kids what so ever. When i was observing the green market i stopped to ask some people who had booths up and were selling their products. One guy was selling some organic dairy products. I asked him why did he decided to start selling organic dairy. He said that the ingredients were much better and that he wanted to help people make better decisions on their eating habits and also the quality was much better. I asked him how long he was in this business and he said he has been in this business for 21 years and worked in the creamery for 6 years. When i was looking around i noticed that the pricings were much much better then Mcdonalds. At the green market they were selling most of their stuff by the pound. So not only was the green market much healthier it was also cheaper. I asked a lot of other people who had their booths up how many years were they working in organic and healthy foods and they said they have been doing this for 16-25 years. I think that it would be highly sad if someone at Mcdonalds was working at McDonalds for that long.

In essence i believe that just because McDonalds is easier and just "convenient" and so called cheap doesn't mean that its a good place to go to. The green market was A LOT healthier then McDonalds and in my opinion was cheaper so why not just go and prepare yourself a good, cheap, healthy, organic meal when you come back from the green market?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

HW #2

What I think about food is that, even though animals are being killed to give us nutrition it is still the circle of life. Back in like 3.9 million years ago during the cavemen era the way to survival was killing and eating animals. Its natures natural instinct. Animals today eat and kill other animals. Although I don't agree with adding hormones and other bad toxins in food, i think that it is completely normal to kill animals to get nutrition. But lets say we didn't kill animals, the animal population would be so huge that people would be hitting them with their cars more, and since the population is so great the food that the animals eat would go done tremendous because more and more animals are eating the food that they would suffer from starvation.

I guess the way people think about this topic is they way they were brought up. If you come from a very liberal P.E.T.A family you were probably brought up to want animals to live and not suffering making you a vegan. On the other hand if you come from a very republican family who lives in the country and hunts probably have some very different ideas.