Wednesday, April 27, 2011

HW 47 - Peer Perspectives on the Care of the Dead (this one)

The first person I asked was a very close friend of mines. Her family has similar views that my family has. I asked her when she dies how does she want to be handled like, being buried, or cremation. She couldn’t decide. She was explaining on how she’s scared of cremation because she hates the idea of her body going up in flames, but likes the idea of spreading her ashes. When she thinks about being buried she hates the idea of being 6 feet under, but then again her family is more towards a burial, in the fact that its more traditional. I too find myself in this predicament. But I feel that the third person I interviewed really helped me in a decision.

The second person I talked to had a whole new idea that I never heard of. He wanted to have his body be stripped naked and put in woods for the crows and animals to feed off of his body. I was shocked when I heard this. I never thought about doing that. My immediate reactions was my body being mutilated, but then again no matter what you choose it’s not going to be always in perfect condition. I asked him why he chose this and he said because Indians did it a long time ago and it could feed other animals. He is also a very spiritual person, and doesn't believe in religion.

The third person I asked was 110% for cremation. She wanted to have all her loved ones have her ashes so she can feel that she is always with her family. She also gets nervous when she is around dead people. Ever since she was a young child she would have a temper tantrum when she would go to funerals. She hates the idea of burial because she also feel that her body wouldn’t let go of her soul and her soul would be trapped in her body 6 feet deep on the earth. This person really influenced my decision in choosing cremation. I’m a spiritual person too so I think I’m going to have to do more research.

The fourth person that I interviewed was thinking about donating his body so that scientist can use it. He knew that his body would “rot” so he said you might as well use it for something good. He is also a biology lover (so that may have influenced his decision), and is an atheist. It made a lot of sense on why someone would do this. I see how religion plays a huge roll in care of the dead. I would like to see more evidence towards this.

HW 46 - Initial Thoughts on the Care of the Dead

The first time I dealt with death was when I was 4 and my family dog passed away. All I remember was knowing that I wouldn’t see her again but at the same time I was told she was going to be in a better place. When I thought about this it made me think about…

~What do parents normally tell their children about death at a young age?
~What do children think about death?

The last time I had to deal with death was when my grandmother passed away. It was very hard on my family. Especially in the fact that my dad had to bury his mom on his birthday. To this day we barely celebrate his birthday because of that fact. We had a traditional funeral and after the wake and funeral we took everyone out to eat at my grandmothers favorite restaurant. When I heard that “we” were paying I found that to be unfair.

~Who invented the traditional aspects of a funeral?
~Why do Catholics feel the need to stare at a body for 3 days?

Monday, April 4, 2011

HW 36 - Pregnancy & Birth Stories

Q: How did pregnancy affect you?
A: I was very emotional, hungry, tired, and achy.

Q: what was easy about your pregnancy?
A: Telling your father to help me with things I couldn’t do so easily anymore.

Q: What was difficult about your pregnancy?
A: Food! I could stand eggs, or coffee.

Q: what craving would you get?
A: When I was pregnant with you all I would want to eat is pizza. With your brother I didn’t have craving till after I gave birth.

Q: How was morning sickness?
A: Horrible. I don’t know why they call it morning sickness because it lasted all 9 months.

Q: What memories come back to you when you remember your pregnancy and the whole birthing process?
A: Happiness of having a baby but also scared of losing you and your brother. Both pregnancies I had to have a c-section and we had a lot complication in both pregnancies. I also remember when you would moving and turn and kick.

Q: What thoughts & feelings helped you chose to have two kids?
A: We felt ready for a family, and we both wanted a girl and boy. Young kids demand attention so we felt that spacing it out 4 years would be perfect.

Q: How did pregnancy affect you?
A: It made my spine straight. My pelvis is narrower.

Q: what was easy about your pregnancy?
A: No morning sickness at all. My boyfriends was there too, and his family.

Q: What was difficult about your pregnancy?
A: How big I was. It got in the way when I would sleep, my feet would hurt.

Q: what craving would you get?
A: I couldn’t stop eating ice cream. Chocolate to be more specific.

Q: How was morning sickness?
A: Great. Didn’t have any. But I know people who did and they said they literally wish they were dead.

Q: What memories come back to you when you remember your pregnancy and the whole birthing process?
A: Swollen feet, heat and cold flashes, a lot of discomfort, but at the end of the day I was just waiting to see her.

Q: What thoughts & feelings helped you chose to have one kid?
A: Well Hayley wasn’t planned but I didn’t want an abortion so I decided to keep her. But once I have the money I would like to have a son.

Q: How is pregnancy affecting you?
A: I get very sick. Physically I feel tired, and weak, but then I get happy just because of the littlest things.

Q: What is easy about your pregnancy?
A: The endless help I have. My family is so supportive.

Q: What is difficult about your pregnancy?
A: The morning sickness. I feel like I’m slowly dying.

Q: what craving would you get?
A: Junk Food! All I would want is some junk food.

Q: How is morning sickness?
A: Disgusting. But I do smoke marijuana that helps a lot. It takes away stress pain and nausea.

Q: Don’t you get scared of birthing issues or your child having complications because you smoke marijuana while your pregnant?
A: Not. Look it up no connection. If anything it’s helping the baby. I use a vapor so that the smoke doesn’t hurt the baby and I only do it when I seriously need it.

Q: What thoughts & feelings helped you chose to have a kid so young?
A: PROLIFE. Just because I’m young doesn’t mean I can kill a baby…my baby.

When I was interviewing the person who wants to remain Anonymous she felt very proud of the situation she’s in. She’s going to be a teen mother and is going to go through a lot but when you talk to her she seems proud and she’s not embarrassed of her situation.
I feel proud that she feels that way and I did look up marijuana and birth defect and there where none that I found. I found this to be highly interesting.

Homework 35- Other Peoples' Perspectives 1

Stephen, (BROTHER)20
Q: Do you want kids?
A: No. Too much stuff to deal with, to much financial stress and I don’t want to deal with a baby having health issues,

Q: Are you pro life of pro choice?
A: prolife

Q: Why do you think people have kids?
A: Well for many reasons, depending on the situation, a girl would want to trap a guy with a baby, or to have a family, and people who believe in prolife.

Q: What would you say is the appropriate age to have kids?
A: When they are stable enough, to properly support all of the financial needs and emotional needs. But even if they have that at 18 and have all that I don’t think they should. At least over 25.

Joshua, (FRIEND)16
Q: Do you want kids?
A: Yeah. I want sons.

Q: How many?
A: 5

Q: Why do you want kids?
A: To pass my name down, have a family.

Q: What values do you want to install in your kids?
A: Never hit or disrespect a woman. Imma teach them proper manors.

Q: How old do you want to be when you have kids?
A: 27-30

Q: What kind of things will you teach your sons?
A: Baseball, sports, manly things

Leah, (COUSIN)17
Q: Do you want kids?
A: Yes. I want four girls.

Q: How old do you want to be when you have kids?
A: 22

Q: Why do you want kids?
A: I want my own cute family. I want to accomplish the American dream.

Q: Why do you want kids at 22?
A: I want to see them grow up as much as I could. Also its better for my body when you get pregnant younger.

Q: Where do you want to raise your kids? Why?
A: Country. I feel like they would have a better life style then the city, they seem more family based.

Korinn (FRIEND) 16
Q: Do you want kids?
A: yes, most definitely.

Q: How many boys? How many girls?
A: 3 girls, 2 boys.

Q: How old do you want to be when you have kids?
A: Young.

Q: How young?
A: Whenever I have the money.

Q: So if your 19 and have money you will do it?
A: Yes.

I noticed while asking these questions that the my cousin Leah and my friend Korinn seemed happy and energetic when talking about having kids. They had a smile when we would go more into what kind of names they would pick.
I noticed with the boys that they had a attitude like you shouldn’t be asking me this. They also both seemed to be playing with their hands when they would answer.