Q:What are your thoughts about illness and dying?
A: I try to avoid it as long as i can. I take vitamin supplements, and try to eat right, and i can be as active as long as i can so i can live as long as i can.
Q: When did you have to deal with death for the first time?
A: when my grandmother passed away. I was 12 years old. I felt my only true link to my families passed was gone and she was my only grandparent alive. After she passed i realized all the questions i would of loved to of asked her, i couldn't. You never realize what you have in a person until they are gone.
Q: what did you mother tell and teach you about illness, and dying?
A: It is enviable never fear it, live your life to the fullest cause you'll never know when its going to come.
Q: Have you ever put yourself purposely in a life or death situation
A: Yes, I volunteered for a special operation when I was in the united states navy submarine force. we were never told what it was. We knew it could be fatal when we were all required to make out our wills before we pulled out. We almost did die. When we were attacked for spying in russia.
Q: What did that experience teach you?
A: Life is way to precious and the future to ever do something that stupid again.
Q: If you could go back and rethink your decision on volunteering would you do it?
A: Yes to the submarines, yes on special operations, no on volunteered special operations. Drowning 800 feet under the water is no way to die.
Q: What are your thoughts about illness and dying?
A: I think it sucks, people shouldn't die young, they should die very very old, and have a full-filling life.
Q: When did you have to deal with death for the first time?
A: When I was 6. My grandfather passed away, it was horrible, very devastating, it sucked donkey balls.
Q: You were six how did you deal with it?
A: I was very sad I felt that a part of me died. I was very close to him. I would dream a lot about him after
Q: What did your mother tell you teach and about illness and dying?
A: Nothing never said anything bout it. She was scared herself so thats why she didn't say thing.
Q:who taught u about illness and dying?
A: My grandfathers death, i taught myself bout it.
Q: How do u feel when loved ones get ill?
A: I get scared because i feel they are going to die. It brings me back to when I was a child
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