Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Homework #7

Chapter 1
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

 Food has to go through a whole process before it reaches the shelves of the supermarket, and we don't even know what that process is. The four different types of food chains have many pros and cons. Corn is the main ingredient in almost everything that we use and eat today.

As i was reading something really caught my attention. " Corn is in places you would never think to look. It's in the wax that coats the other vegetables in the produce section. It goes into the coating that makes the cover of a magazine shine."(page12) This means that corn is used for anything and everything that we use. I never knew that corn was such and important ingredient to America, and has such a important role in our everyday life and we don't even know it. Not only is corn used for food ingredients but also the books we hold its even apart of the building in the supermarket. 45,000 items that contain corn in the supermarket.

One question that came to mind as i was reading was, How would we be if we never had corn? What would happen if we ever ran out of corn?

Chapter 2
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

There are many different varieties of corn. The two Foods that have taken over the world is Soybean and corn, but corn beats the soybean by a landslide. Scientist have invented Genetically modified corn seeds to make what is called "Hybrid Corn" which allows farmers to plant the seeds closer so more corn can grow and have thicker stalks, including stronger roots.

"They believe that GMOs are a reckless experiment with the natural order of things" This proves that Genetically modified foods are unhealthy and unethical.  Its just not natural to be messing around with the composition to get more income.

If some farmers are highly against GMOs then what is the worst that could go wrong? How do we know if our food is being Genetically modified?

Chapter 3
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

"Besides Naylor has the equipment  to plant corn and soybeans he doesn't have the equipment to grow that lettuce or broccoli or anything else." This obviously shows that the different things that you grow acquire certain machinery and materials. This struck my attention because i thought that all tools could be universal in the fact that they all do the same thing.

Chapter 4
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

 The treatment of the corn that goes from the farm to the factory mill. The conditions is that corn being mistreated. The corn is all over the place, its on the floor in the mud, on the workers boots and between the cracks of the tires that are used to transport the corn out of the farm. "Salvador's reaction, like mine, came about because we were looking at corn the old-fashioned way, as a food. But the businesses that run the grain elevators and the industrial food chain do not look at corn as food." This struck me oddly because if they only view corn as a business then if they are mistreating it by letting it get all over the place and not caring, then how else are they mistreating the corn? Personally i think that if i was working on a corn farm i would still view the corn as a food not just a business. I don't like to waste food at all because i view it very sinful. I view it sinful because i was always brought up knowing that there were other people out in the world who would be very lucky to have at-least one good meal a day. I could never mistreat food

Chapter 6
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

As i was reading this chapter every time i would open my fridge all i see now is corn. As i open the food cabinets all i see is corn too. When they said corn is made out of everything they weren't kidding. Even some water (specifically) steep water has corn in it. This made me think how would food taste if there was no corn. As i read this ODYR it makes me feel like since we are so dependent on corn that we cant live without it. Its in the meat, sugar, flower, oil, alcoholic beverages, even chewing gum.
"Here nine hundred food scientist spend their days designing the future of food." This makes me think that people should try and get America off of corn so we are not so dependent on it. I believe that we can do it.
How would food taste with out corn?

Chapter 7
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

In chapter 7 as i was reading i was very shocked to find out about the obesity rate. For the fact that fast food places like McDonald's is fast and cheap that's what kids today gravitate to. But all thought it is cheap its high calorie, and fatty, and also processed. Since 1960 the calories of a McDonald's french fries had risen 300 in 2009, making it 500 calories.
"Three of every five Americans are overweight; one of every five is obese." This means that four out of every five Americans are very unhealthy. I knew that America was the most obese country in the world but i did not know that the numbers were this shocking. When i read these statistics it made me wanna hit the gym. I don't understand how people could let themselves become so obese and so unhealthy. This shows how lazy Americans can be.
A question that i would really like to know is What can we do in order to the obesity rate back down to 5.8% which was in 1971-1974?

Chapter 8
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

When i was reading about how we eat based on who we were raised by was the same idea and theory that i had. I also said that it based on your environment. He also compares our eating habits to a rat. Like us rats are also omnivores. But unlike us they cant teach their offspring. So if a adult rat knows what is poison to them the young may not know.
"Certain cells may be dedicated to detecting  one taste but found all over the tongue, or certain areas may just be more sensitive to particular flavors". This shows that our tongue has many different sections and that it doesn't react all the same way.
What are all the parts and different sections of our tongue?

Chapter 9
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

While reading i saw something that struck my attention. It also discussing how the animals we eat are basically only feed corn and large amounts of it. It also discussed how the food and drinks we consume are also mostly corn. Then it talked about how obesity rate went up since 1971-1974. This makes me think and assume that the obesity rate went up because of the quantity of corn that is in our produce and everything that we eat.
"Hamburger: corn fed to a cow = 2 pounds corn
6 nuggets : corn fed to a chicken = 1/2 pound
High fructose corn syrup in 3 drinks = 1 pound
Subtotal: 3 1/2 pounds of corn"
This caught my attention because i wonder what the percentage of corn we actually eat.

Chapter 18
Being out in the forest and having us gather and hunt our own food is harder but at least i know what I'm getting. Nothing is being processed. Going in to woods and living off of the life around me would be fun but yet it would be scary. There are many mushrooms and berries that may or may not be poisonous.

"only around 100 of the nearly 10,000 different kinds of mushrooms - just 1% are safe to eat." This shows that there are more poisonous mushrooms then there are edible.

How do we identify the poisonous plants/fungi  from the edible plants/fungi? Do other animals have the same reactions to the same mushrooms as us? If so how do they know which ones to eat and not to eat ?

Chapter 20
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.

Going hunting for wild boar will be nerve-racking, and scary. They split up into groups and make a plan about tracking down the boars. Michael was not able to kill the boar because he didn't get to see one. After they took a break and ate they found a group of boars eating. But michael didn't kill anything that day. The next day michael killed his first boar.

"hunting is exciting. it embarrasses me to write that, but its true." I don't understand why Michael Pollen would be embarrassed. I could kind of relate to him because my family are hunters (except me). I am not embarrassed. Hunting was one of the first things that people and other animals did before anything happened.

What was the significance of hunting and preparing the meal all by himself?

Chapter 21
In this chapter Michael goes mushroom hunting.  They call it Hunting instead of harvesting because when they are growing you have to basically go on a scavenger hunt in order to find them. Well the ones that aren't poisonous. Michael only found a few mushrooms but Angelo found many more. Like other fruit mushrooms grow all at different times. Todays scientist find it very hard to study about fungi.

"Mushrooms each have their seasons" To me this shocks me because i didnt know that different mushrooms grow at a specific time in the year.  To me i thought that fungi grows yearly.

How do people know either a mushrooms is poisonous  or not?
How do people have mushrooms sold and grown all year long?

1 comment:

  1. Lora,

    Looks like you got a lot out of the book that you read so far. I suggest you make time to catch up on the chapters you missed, and begin posting again with HW 7D. In general, you're missing a lot of work.

    Please consult your notes and other students' work on how to write a strong precis. Your model isn't what I want you to do.
