Sunday, February 27, 2011

HW 34 - Some Initial Thoughts On Birth

the first response that i have when i think of birth is the whole scene of when the doctors and everyone in the birthing room yell "push, push" and the baby finally comes out. I think of the pain and the joy of brining another life in this world, and the later affect of when the child is starting to get in the state of constantly asking 'what is this' or 'what does this do'.

As i see shows on tv i feel as if the decisions that some people make are not for the better of everyone. Some families welcome a new baby even though they are not financially stable. I have seen and even know a lot of people who make this mistake. Everyone on their life is going to go through a time where they are going through tuff times financially, so why bring another mouth to feed when you cant even feed yourself?

How many women die during birth?
what is  the average percentage of women who can not give birth?
what cultures are pro life and what are pro choice?
when did the epidural become discovered?
how many women give birth at home verses at the hospital?
what is the pregnancy rate in the us?
how many women actually give birth naturally?
how necessary is a doctor?

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